7 Big Complexities of Gastroenterology Revenue Cycle Management

7 Big Complexities of Gastroenterology Revenue Cycle Management

Managing the cash flow in a gastro clinic can seem as complex as the digestive system itself. However, with a solid strategy for gastroenterology revenue cycle management, you can make it not only manageable but also effective. It’s about guiding a patient’s bill from the initial appointment all the way through to the final payment […]

Top 10 Benefits of Outsourcing Accounts Receivable in Medical Billing

Top 10 Benefits of Outsourcing Accounts Receivable in Medical Billing

Doctors nee­d to care for patients and also get paid. This is hard to balance­. A medical office’s accounts rece­ivable (AR) process nee­ds to work well. It handles money owe­d to the practice. Managing AR in-house take­s lots of time and staff. This takes away from helping patie­nts. Outsourcing AR can help solve this issue. […]

Common Urgent Care Billing Mistakes and How to Fix Them?

Common Urgent Care Billing Mistakes - UCC billing and coding errors

Urgent care billing can be tricky, with potential pitfalls at each step. The financial success of your practice depends on avoiding common mistakes that can lead to denied claims, delayed payments, and inaccurate charges. In this blog, we’ll cover the 10 most common urgent care billing mistakes. We’ll learn how to avoid these mistakes for […]

Things to consider before outsourcing ob-gyn Billing services

The ever-evolving landscape of healthcare administration presents a unique set of challenges for OB-GYN practices in 2024. Maintaining a smooth revenue cycle amidst complex coding requirements, insurance regulations, and patient billing can be a significant time drain, diverting valuable resources away from patient care. This is where outsourcing OB-GYN billing services comes into play. Considering […]

Smart Revenue Optimization Tips for Behavioral Health Practices

Revenue Optimization Tips for Behavioral Health Practices

Running a behavioral health practice involves more than just providing excellent patient care; it also requires smart management and financial strategies. If you’re looking to improve your practice’s bottom line, you’re in the right place. This guide offers practical revenue optimization tips for behavioral health practices, ensuring sustainability and growth. Common Sources of Revenue Loss […]